Project Initiation

Initiation is the first phase of a project management, so it is quite important to get initiation right.

Key of Initiation

  • Goals: what to achieve
  • Scope: define the work needs to happend to complete the project
  • Deliverables: product & services created for customer, client
  • Success criteria: the standard by measure how success
  • Stakeholers: who interest in or affeted by
  • Resources
    • budget
    • people
    • material


Goal has to be specific and clear.

SMART goal

  • spesific
    • what do I want to accomplish
    • why is this a goal
    • who is involved
    • where should this be deliverable
    • to what degree
  • measureble
    • how much
    • how many
    • how will I know when it’s accomplished
  • attainable
    • can it reasonably be reached
    • how can it be accomplished
  • relevant
    • does this make sense
    • is the goal worthwhile
    • is it the right time
  • time-bound
    • has deadline or time frame

What you use to measure something

Point of reference


Combine a goal and a metric to determine a measurable outcome

  • Objective
    • what need to be achieved
    • describes a desired outcome
    • Criteria to be strong
      • Aspirational
      • Aligned with organizational goals
      • Action-oriented
      • Concrete
      • Significant
  • Key Result
    • The measurable outcomes that define when the objective has been met
    • Criteria
      • Results-oriented - not a task
      • measurable and verifiable
      • specific and time-bound
      • aggressive yet realistic

improve customer retention (objective) achieve a 90&% customer satisfaction rating by the end of the first quarter (key result)

OKR Levels

  • Company / oranization
  • Department / team
  • Project


  • Timeline
  • Budget
  • Resources
  • Stakeholders
  • Goals
  • Deliverables
  • Flexibility


Tasks that are included in the project plan and contribute to the project;s goal

Task are not included and not contribute to the goal

External scope creep

  • customer request
  • environment shift
  • change in technology

Triple Constraint Model
Triple Constraint


  • Product or service that are created for the customer client, or project spondor
  • what gets produced or presented at the end of a task, event, or process

Success Criteria

Launch: Deliver the product
Landing: Measure the success

  • Identify the measurable aspect
  • Get clarity from stakeholder on the project requirements and expectation


  • budget
    • Estimate of money cost of
      • human resource
      • service
      • material
  • people
    • team
  • material
    • items need get project done
  • tool
    • track tasks
    • manage budget
    • collaborate with teammates

Build Team


  • Required roles
  • Team Size
  • Necessary Sklls
  • Avaiability
  • Motivation


  • Project Sponsor
    • who accountable for the project and who ensure the project deliver the afreed upon business benefits
  • Team Member
    • to the work
  • User
    • get the value
  • Stakeholder
    • who has a vested interest in the project’s success
  • Project Manager
    • plan, organize, oversee


  • Primary stakeholder: directly benefit
  • Secondary stakeholder: indirectly impacted

Stakeholder Analysis:

  1. Make list of all stakeholder the project impact
  2. Determine the level of interest and influene of each
  3. Assess their ability to participate and then find ways to involve them
    Stakeholder Grid

Stakeholder Buy-in
The process of involving these people in decision making to hopefully reach a broader consensus on the organization’s future


RACI chart

help to define roles and responsibilities for individuals or teams to ensure work gets done efficiently

  • Responsible: doing the work to complete the task
  • Accountable: make sure the work gets done
  • Consulted: giving feedback
  • Informed: those just needing to know the final decisions, or that a task in complete



Project Proposak

persuades a stake holder to begin a project

Project Charter

  • define the project goal, and outline what is needed to accomplish them
  • make clear that benefits outweight the cost

Cost-benefit analysis


  • what value will project create
  • how much money save
  • how much monry will bring in from edisting customer
  • how mush time save
  • how it improve the customer experience


  • how mush time spend
  • what one-time costs
  • are there any ongoing costs
  • are there any long-term cost

Intangible benefits

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Employee productivity
  • Brand perception

Sample Charter Elements


  • Scheduling and work management software
  • Productivity tools
  • Collaboration tools


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