AWS Cloud Practitioner - Technology

Tachnology take 33% of the exam, which has the most percentage.

Organizations and Accounts

  • Organizations allow to centrally manage billing, control access, compliance, security, share resources
  • Root Account User is a single sign-in identity that has complete access to all service.
    • Each account has a root account user
  • Organization Units are a group of AWS accounts within an organization - create a hierarchy
  • Sercvice Control Policies give central control over the allowed permisions for all accounts


  • Region the geograohical location of your network
  • AZ the data center
  • VPC a logically isolated sention of the AWS cloud where you can launch AWS resources
  • Internet Gateway enable access to the internet
  • ROute Tables determine where network traffic from your subnets are directed
  • NACLs acts as a firewall at the instance level
  • Subnets a logical pertition of an IP network into multiple, smaller network segments

AWS Networking

Database Service

  • DynamoDB - NoSQL key/value database
  • DocumentDB - NoSQL Document database that is MongoDB compatible
  • RDS - relational database service that supports multiple engines: mySQK, Postgresm NatuaDB, oravle, MSSS, auroroa
    • Aurora MySql (5x faster) and PSQL (3x faster) database fully managed
    • Aurora Serverless - only runs when you need it, like AWS Lamda
  • Neptune - managed graph database
  • Redshift - culumnar database, petabyte warehouse
  • ElastiCache - Redis, or memcached database

Procisioning Service

Provisioning : The allocation or creation of resources and services to a customer

  • Elastic Beanstalk - service for delploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java.
  • OpsWorks - comfiguration management service that provides managed instance of Chef and Puppet
  • CloudFormation - premake packages that can luanch and configure your AWS compute, network, storage, and other services required to deploy a workload on AWS
  • AWS Marketplace

Computing Service

  • EC2 elestic compute cloud, highly configurable server eg, CPU, Momory, network, OS
    • Docker as a Service highly scalable, high-performance container orchestration service that supports Docker containers, pay for EC2 instances
  • Fargate microservices where dont care about the infrastruture. Play per task
  • ESK Kubernetes as a Service easy to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes
  • Lambda serverless functions run code without providioning or managing servers. Pay only for the compute time you consume
  • Elastic Beanstalk orchestrates various AWS services. include EC2, S3 simple notification service (SNS), cloudwatch, autoscaling, autoscaling, and elastic load balancers
  • AWS Batch plans, schedules, and executes your batch computing workloads across the full range of AWS compute services and features, such as Amazon EC2 and Spot Instances

Storage Service

  • S3 simple storage service - object storage
  • S3 Glacier - low cost storage for archiving and long-term backup
  • Storage Gateway - hybrid cloud storage with local caching
    • file gateway
    • volume gateway
    • tape gateway
  • EBS - Elastic Block Storage - hard drive in the cloud you attach to EC2 instances eg. SSD, IOPS SSD, Throughput HHD, Cold HHD
  • EFS - Elastic File Storage - file storage mountable to multiple EC2 instances at the same time
  • Snowball - Physically migrate lots of data via a computer suitcase 50-80 TB
    • Snowball Edge a better version of snowball - 100TB
    • Snowmobile Shipping container, pulled by a semi-trailer trucj - 100PB

Business Centric Services

  • Amazon Connect - Call Center - Cloud-based call center services you can setup in just a few click
  • WorkSpaces - Virtual Remost Desktop - Secure managed service for provisioning
  • WorkDOcs - content creation and collaboration service (AWS Sharepoint)
  • Chime - AWS platform for online meetings, video conderancing
  • WorkMail
  • Pinpoint - marketing compaign management system use for sending targeted email, SNS, voice message
  • SES - Simple Email Service - send marketing , notification, and emails (for marketers)
  • QuickSight - A Business Intelligence (BI) service. Connect multiple datasource and quickly visualize data

Enterprise Integration

  • Direct Connect dedicated Gigabit network connection from your premises to AWS imgagine
  • VPN secure connection to your AWS network
  • Storage Gateway a hybrid storage service that enables your on-permises applications to use AWS cloud storage
  • Active Directory the AWS directory service dor MS Active Directory - AWS Managed MS AD]

Logging Service

  • CloudTrail -logs all API calls(SDK, CLI) between AWS services
    • Detect developer misconfiguration
    • Detect malicious actors
    • Automate responses
  • CloudWatch a collection of multiple services
    • Logs performance data about AWS services
    • Metrics represents a time-ordered set of data points. A variable to monitor
    • Events trigger an event based on a condition
    • Alarms triggers notifications based on metrics
    • Dashboard create visualizations based on metrics


Check AWS docs for more info.



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